VSOS Shell v3.53 Date: 2018-01-31 Age: 7 yrs

The VS1005 VSOS UART Shell document has been updated to version 3.53.

VSOS Shell and Audio v3.52 Date: 2018-01-24 Age: 7 yrs

Two seminal VS1005 VSOS documents, VSOS UART Shell and VSOS Audio Subsystem have been updated, both to version 3.52.

EDA updated for Eagle 7.6 Date: 2017-11-20 Age: 7 yrs

VLSI Solution's component EDA files have been updated from Eagle 4.16 to Eagle 7.6. The new files contain all VLSI's current components. The legacy library files will still be available, but they will not be updated.

VS1053b Datasheet v1.31 Date: 2017-11-17 Age: 7 yrs

VS1053b and VS8053b datasheets have had a minor update. The biggest change is the removal of the MP3 license text in the VS1053b Datasheet.

VS1063a Datasheet v1.31 Date: 2017-10-06 Age: 7 yrs

The VS1063 Datasheet, VS1063 Hardware Guide and VS1063 Programmer's Guide have been updated to version 1.31.

VS1005g Datasheet v0.66 Date: 2017-09-12 Age: 7 yrs

The VS1005g Datasheet has been updated. A new Chapter 7.1, Important Tips and Guidelines for Designing VS1005g Products, has been added. It is highly recommended to read this new chapter.

VS1011e Datasheet v1.23 Date: 2017-09-08 Age: 7 yrs

BGA-49 package and MP3 licensing statements have been removed from the VS1011 datasheet.

Displaying results 22 to 28 out of 90

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